Friday, February 12, 2021

NANCY BAILEY: $100M For Children “Learning Faster Than Ever Before” In Tennessee?!

$100M For Children “Learning Faster Than Ever Before” In Tennessee?!
$100M For Children “Learning Faster Than Ever Before” In Tennessee?!

Tennessee lawmakers just signed off on a $100 Million program called Reading 360. Sixty million is federal Covid-19 relief money and $40 million federal grant money. What is this? Why Tennessee? Will other states follow? While the media bombards the public with learning loss warnings, this program is about acceleration.


Here’s what the brochure says. Tennessee is now in a position to not just protect students, teachers, and schools in the face of an unprecedented global pandemic, but to accelerate student learning further and faster than ever before.

Accelerate doesn’t mean catching up or identifying where a child’s working developmentally. It doesn’t mean helping children with reading difficulties.

Accelerate means hurry, hasten, quicken, rush, and fast-track.

Accelerating learning seems to be an obsession among some policymakers, and it’s hard CONTINUE READING: $100M For Children “Learning Faster Than Ever Before” In Tennessee?!