Saturday, February 13, 2021

John Thompson: The Debate About Reopening Should Not Be Politicized | Diane Ravitch's blog

John Thompson: The Debate About Reopening Should Not Be Politicized | Diane Ravitch's blog
John Thompson: The Debate About Reopening Should Not Be Politicized

John Thompson writes below about the ongoing confusion about whether it is safe to reopen schools. Trump and DeVos demanded that schools reopen without the resources to reopen safely. Now, the debate continues, with a mixture of science, hope, and fear. I am not a public health expert, and I offer no advice. But common sense suggests that teachers should be vaccinated first, along with other essential workers. Teaching in a room with a large group of students all day long, it seems to me, is materially different than shopping in a store where one enters and leaves within 15-20 minutes. If we expect teachers to be frontline workers, they should get the vaccinations and PPE equipment they need.

He writes:

Today we’re in a situation in regard to reopening schools that is similar and different to that of the first six months of the Covid pandemic. Then, it seemed likely that schools could reopen by the fall semester as long as we respected public health evidence, and set smart priorities, such as reopening schools not bars. But Trump and his acolytes politicized the pandemic, even leading the way to super-spreadings by holding crowded political and CONTINUE READING: John Thompson: The Debate About Reopening Should Not Be Politicized | Diane Ravitch's blog