Friday, February 12, 2021

Education Matters: The year before Pratt-Dannals was fired he got stellar reviews.

Education Matters: The year before Pratt-Dannals was fired he got stellar reviews.
The year before Pratt-Dannals was fired he got stellar reviews.

 I mention this because the school board recently rated superintendent Greene highly effective, a sentiment I don’t think the majority of staff and, at this point, families would agree with. I have a different take than the school board one that comes from being in the classroom and doing the novel thing of actually talking to teachers, and that is she needs to be thanked for her service and shown the door.     

Pratt-Dannals, during the financial crisis, declared a financial emergency, which did a lot of things, including freezing teacher salary. When the board found out the district was sitting on 120 million dollars, he didn’t last long. Unfortunately, they never made teachers whole and reinstated their step, you know, because never miss an opportunity to &#$% teachers when you can. 

Something similar happened this year. It is true the state did the district no favors. Still, instead of letting veteran teachers know they care, the district decided to just go along with their horrible mistreatment, all while having about 15 million extra in reserves and refusing to read the room. The district didn’t need to rush to %@#$ them. They could have let things play out, which despite the pandemic, will be favorable. There has been some talk of circling back around to take care of vets, but the blatant disrespect can CONTINUE READING: Education Matters: The year before Pratt-Dannals was fired he got stellar reviews.

Education Matters: DCPS High schools go on alert because of district incompetence -