Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Union leader: Chicago teachers are battling both coronavirus pandemic and fear | Fox News

Union leader: Chicago teachers are battling both coronavirus pandemic and fear | Fox News
Union leader: Chicago teachers are battling both coronavirus pandemic and fear
Randi Weingarten says American Federation of Teachers trying to 'get the safety measures in place' for in-person classes to resume

American Federation of Teachers leader Randi Weingarten said Tuesday that Chicago educators are battling both the coronavirus pandemic and "fear" as an impasse continues over resuming in-person learning in America's third-largest city.

"We're fighting a pandemic and now we're fighting fear," Weingarten told "The Faulkner Focus." "And what we're trying to do as a union is get the safety measures in place, I'm on the phone constantly with Chicago, in trying to actually have that kind of plan so that we can address both the pandemic and the fear."

Weingarten briefed Biden White House officials last week on the standoff betweeen Chicago public officials and the Chicago Teachers Union, an affiliate of Weingarten's AFT. Members of the Chicago Teachers Union overwhelmingly voted over the weekend to refuse a district order to return for in-person instruction on Monday. The city said it viewed the move as a de facto strike.

Biden sided with the union on Monday, saying that teachers want to work as long as it's in a safe environment.


"We should make school classrooms safe and secure for the students, for the teachers and for the help that is in those schools maintaining those facilities," said Biden, who has vowed to reopen most schools within his first 100 days.

"I think that President Biden's goal is really important, and I think that unless we have a variant like what happened in Great Britain or Germany that created those kind of CONTINUE READING: Union leader: Chicago teachers are battling both coronavirus pandemic and fear | Fox News