Sunday, January 3, 2021

The New York Times Should Add a Former Teacher to Its Editorial Board | Diane Ravitch's blog

The New York Times Should Add a Former Teacher to Its Editorial Board | Diane Ravitch's blog
The New York Times Should Add a Former Teacher to Its Editorial Board

The New York Times published an editorial correctly blasting Betsy DeVos as the worst Secretary of Education in the 40-year history of the Department of Education. Unfortunately, the balance of the editorial was a plea to administer tests to find out how far the nation’s children had fallen behind because of the pandemic.

This is a misguided proposal, as I have explained many times on this blog. See here.

The Times wrote in this editorial:

Given a shortage of testing data for Black, Hispanic and poor children, it could well be that these groups have fared worse in the pandemic than their white or more affluent peers. The country needs specific information on how these subgroups are doing so that it can allocate educational resources strategically.

Beyond that, parents need to know where their children stand after such a sustained period without much face-to-face instruction. Given these realities, the new education CONTINUE READING: The New York Times Should Add a Former Teacher to Its Editorial Board | Diane Ravitch's blog