Saturday, January 30, 2021

How I Got the Covid Vaccine: an Immunization Odyssey | gadflyonthewallblog

How I Got the Covid Vaccine: an Immunization Odyssey | gadflyonthewallblog
How I Got the Covid Vaccine: an Immunization Odyssey

So there I was standing out in the cold – miserable but happy.

My jacket was buttoned up to my nose on top of my mask.

My hood was up and my glasses were becoming a white screen of fog where my hot breath escaped into the chill.

In my pocket, my left hand wiggled into a glove, then sneaked out to hold my glasses away from my face.

It was the only way I could see whether the line was moving.

And deep inside me, as I stood shivering through the gusts of bitter wind, somewhere I was happy.

Because I was in line to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

Despite it all, I knew I was one of the lucky ones.

It had been a long journey to this place, CONTINUE READING: How I Got the Covid Vaccine: an Immunization Odyssey | gadflyonthewallblog