Sunday, January 10, 2021

Betsy DeVos’ Resignation Letter | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog

Betsy DeVos’ Resignation Letter | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog
Betsy DeVos’ Resignation Letter

Below is the full text of now-former US ed sec Betsy DeVos’ resignation letter.


The Secretary of Education

Washington, DC  20202

January 7, 2021

President Donald J. Trump
The White House
Washington, DC  20500


Dear Mr. President:

For more than thirty years, I have fought on behalf of America’s students to expand the options they have to pursue a world-class education. As you know, too many of them are denied an equal opportunity to a high-quality education simply because of where they grow up or how much money their family makes. You rightly have called this one of the most significant civil rights issues of all time.

Leading the US Department of Education had given me an exceptional opportunity to advocate on behalf of the forgotten students the traditional system leaves behind. We have achieved much.

We have sparked a national conversation about putting students and parents in charge of education, leading to expanded school choice and education freedom in many states. We have restored the proper federal role by returning power to the states, communities, educators, and parents. We have returned due process to our nation’s schools and defended the First Amendment rights of students and teachers. We have dramatically improved the way students interact with Federal Student Aid. We have lifted up students by restoring year-round Pell, expanding Second Chance Pell, delivering unprecedented opportunities for students at HBCUs, and so much more.

Finally, Mr. President, I know with certainty that history will show we were correct CONTINUE READING: Betsy DeVos’ Resignation Letter | deutsch29: Mercedes Schneider's Blog