Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Audio: Amid Surges, Teachers Line Up For Their Vaccines | 89.3 KPCC

Audio: Amid Surges, Teachers Line Up For Their Vaccines | 89.3 KPCC
Amid Surges, Teachers Line Up For Their Vaccines

Don Brown has been driving a school bus for more than 20 years in the Chicago area. And for all that time, he's noticed one odd student habit.

As they climb aboard his bus, "when they get to the top step, they always cough," he says. "This was even before the pandemic! Or, when they get ready to get off, they say 'Bye, bus driver!' and they cough."

Because of this, Brown says, he hopes he'll be getting the vaccine, "as soon as I can."

As another semester gets under way, more than half of U.S. public school students are learning CONTINUE REAING: Audio: Amid Surges, Teachers Line Up For Their Vaccines | 89.3 KPCC