Monday, December 21, 2020

What the Congressional Deal Means for Education | Diane Ravitch's blog

What the Congressional Deal Means for Education | Diane Ravitch's blog
What the Congressional Deal Means for Education

Phyllis W. Jordan of Future-Ed, a D.C. think tank, explains here what the latest Congressional agreement on COVID aid means for education and compares it to last spring’s CARES Act as well as to the HEROES Act passed in May by the House of Representatives. The agreement does not include any aid for cities or states. President-Elect Joe Biden has pledged another relief package after he takes office.

She writes:

The $900 billion package builds on a $908 billion stimulus bill introduced Dec. 14 and would include stimulus checks, small business relief, unemployment benefits, and support for vaccine distribution, among other things. The measure includes $82 billion for education, with $2.7 billion specifically for private and parochial schools. A detailed proposal has not been publicly released yet, but the Dec. 14 bill included the $82 billion figure and broke it down like this:

  • $54 billion of that for K-12 schools, largely delivered through Title I funding. That’s about four times what schools received in the CARES Act approved in March.
  • $20 billion for higher education with dollars set aside for minority-serving institutions
  • $7.5 billion for governors to spend at their discretion, including on private schools.

School meal programs and child care. and expand the CONTINUE READING: What the Congressional Deal Means for Education | Diane Ravitch's blog