Thursday, December 31, 2020

Rick Hess Interviews Betsy DeVos As She Heads for the Exit | Diane Ravitch's blog

Rick Hess Interviews Betsy DeVos As She Heads for the Exit | Diane Ravitch's blog
Rick Hess Interviews Betsy DeVos As She Heads for the Exit

Rick Hess conducts an “exit interview” with Betsy DeVos, which was published at Education Week. Rick is a fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, which is funded in part by DeVos.

DeVos came to Washington to destroy public education, and she failed. She bitterly dismisses the “entrenched interests” and bureaucrats who frustrated her ambitions to turn billions of public dollars over to religious and private schools and to extinguish teachers’ unions altogether. During her confirmation, she was unable to answer direct questions about education policy, and she was ultimately confirmed only when Vice-President Pence cast a tie-breaking vote. This had never happened before. In poll after poll, DeVos was characterized as the most unpopular member of Trump’s Cabinet. She did her best to skewer the Department’s Office of Civil Rights, to abandon college students who were defrauded by for-profit colleges, to divert COVID funding to elite private schools. Fortunately, most of the changes–maybe all of them–will be reversed by the Biden administration. Here CONTINUE READING: Rick Hess Interviews Betsy DeVos As She Heads for the Exit | Diane Ravitch's blog