Saturday, December 19, 2020

Politico: Will Biden Bring Teachers’ Unions in from the Cold? | Diane Ravitch's blog

Politico: Will Biden Bring Teachers’ Unions in from the Cold? | Diane Ravitch's blog
Politico: Will Biden Bring Teachers’ Unions in from the Cold?

The past two decades have been rough times for the two big teachers’ unions. Republicans have demonized them. The Obama administration courted their support but did little to help them as they were attacked by the right in Republican state houses and the Courts. Duncan gleefully promoted the misguided use of test scores to evaluate teachers, despite repeated warnings by eminent researchers that the methodology was flawed. In fact, eligibility for states to compete to get more than $4 billion in Race to the Top funding was contingent on states enacting laws to do exactly that. “Value-added measurement” flopped; it was not only a costly failure but it was enormously demoralizing to teachers. When the Los Angeles Times and the New York Post published the VAM scores of teachers, Duncan applauded them.

As a candidate, Joe Biden made clear that he’s not only pro-teacher, he’s a union man. Whether or not either will be chosen, the names of the leaders of the NEA and AFT have been floated as possible choices for Secretary of CONTINUE READING: Politico: Will Biden Bring Teachers’ Unions in from the Cold? | Diane Ravitch's blog