Sunday, December 6, 2020

Oklahoma: Governor Stitt Appoints Home-Schooling Anti-Masker to State Board of Education | Diane Ravitch's blog

Oklahoma: Governor Stitt Appoints Home-Schooling Anti-Masker to State Board of Education | Diane Ravitch's blog
Oklahoma: Governor Stitt Appoints Home-Schooling Anti-Masker to State Board of Education

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt kicked his own appointee off the State Board of Education who made the terrible error of trying to claw back millions from a for-profit charter school and supported a mask mandate in all public schools.

Gov. Kevin Stitt abruptly replaced one of his own appointees to the Oklahoma State Board of Education this week.

Kurt Bollenbach of Kingfisher, who was appointed in April 2019 to serve a four-year term, recently supported a high-profile move to claw back more than $11 million in state funding from Epic Charter Schools and a failed attempt to mandate masks in all public schools.

He also recently drew public criticism from school choice advocates for leading a delay of approval for a couple of private schools to begin accepting state-funded scholarships for disabled students and foster children over questions about whether the schools’ anti-discrimination policies met minimum state and federal CONTINUE READING: Oklahoma: Governor Stitt Appoints Home-Schooling Anti-Masker to State Board of Education | Diane Ravitch's blog