Tuesday, December 1, 2020

NAEP 2021 Has Been Canceled. State Tests Should Also Be Canceled. | Diane Ravitch's blog

NAEP 2021 Has Been Canceled. State Tests Should Also Be Canceled. | Diane Ravitch's blog
NAEP 2021 Has Been Canceled. State Tests Should Also Be Canceled.

The accountability hawks have decided that NAEP testing must be canceled this spring because of the pandemic, but the burdensome, useless, meaningless annual testing of every single student from grades 3-8 should not be disrupted. Betsy DeVos proposed canceling NAEP, and the director of the National Center for Education Statistics complied. There will be no NAEP 2021.

This is backwards.

If we want to understand the impact of the coronavirus on American students, NAEP testing should go forward. NAEP—the National Assessment of Educational Progress—has been administered to scientific samples of American students since the late 1960s. Since 1992, it has provided state-by-state comparisons. It disaggregates scores by race, gender, income, English language status, disability status, and other criteria. It measures achievement gaps among whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. It supplies the same valuable information for a score of urban district that volunteer to be tested. No stakes are attached to NAEP results.

In short, NAEP is the ideal gauge for measuring the CONTINUE READING: NAEP 2021 Has Been Canceled. State Tests Should Also Be Canceled. | Diane Ravitch's blog