Saturday, December 12, 2020

My Suggestion for Holiday Gifts | Diane Ravitch's blog

My Suggestion for Holiday Gifts | Diane Ravitch's blog
My Suggestion for Holiday Gifts

I always have this problem in early December: What shall I give to the children in my life?

This year I did something I have wanted to do for a long time. I got a gift catalog from and I ordered animals that will be given to a family that needs them to have a better life. I purchased a sheep ($120) on behalf of one child and a goat on behalf of another. I could have bought shares in either animal for $10. I will buy honeybees ($20) and chicks ($20) for other children in my life. The children will have the pleasure in knowing that they helped others.

If you go online, you will see many opportunities to give meaningful gifts. For $275, you can pay for a girl to attend school in India. For the more expensive animals, like alpacas or heifers or water buffalo, you can buy a share.

These are gifts that keep on giving.

Alternatively, you can support charities in the United States that are providing food and shelter for needy children and families. It is truly shameful that millions of people are hungry and homeless in this country, one of the richest in the world. The pandemic has widened inequality, by plunging millions of people into poverty while enriching billionaires.

Here is a list of ten charities that alleviate hunger in the U.S. and the world.

My Suggestion for Holiday Gifts | Diane Ravitch's blog