Sunday, December 20, 2020

Los Angeles: Billionaire-funded Group Complains about Remote Learning Pact | Diane Ravitch's blog

Los Angeles: Billionaire-funded Group Complains about Remote Learning Pact | Diane Ravitch's blog
Los Angeles: Billionaire-funded Group Complains about Remote Learning Pact

In Los Angeles, the UTLA reached an agreement with the LAUSD and superintendent to extend remote learning as COVID surges and every ICU bed is filled in the city. The billionaire-funded “Parent Revolution” complained (billionaires are parents although they have no children in LA public schools).

With children mired in distance learning and many struggling academically, Los Angeles teachers will take on more live online interaction with students next semester, under an agreement announced Friday. Also under the deal, school nurses will conduct campus-based coronavirus tests.

The pact between the teachers union and the Los Angeles Unified School District was essential for the nation’s second-largest school system; the agreement’s predecessor would have expired Dec. 31. And, based on current infection rates, a return to campus in January is almost impossible under state health guidelines. 

“This progress in online instruction reflects the shared learning of all who work in schools about the need to maximize the interaction between teachers and students and their families,” Los Angeles schools Supt. Austin CONTINUE READING: Los Angeles: Billionaire-funded Group Complains about Remote Learning Pact | Diane Ravitch's blog