Monday, December 21, 2020

Cartoons on Zooming for Work and School | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Cartoons on Zooming for Work and School | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Cartoons on Zooming for Work and School

Most readers of this blog Zoom for work, birthdays, anniversaries, and sadly, for funerals in these surreal pandemic times. Then there are the millions of students who received instruction on Zoom from preschoolers to high school seniors. Many of those Zoomers, maybe all, are Zoomed out. Not only Zoom but other devices and software stretch the limits of pandemic patience. Whatever devices and software readers use, I have collected cartoons that poke an elbow in the ribs and hope that they will tease out a smile. Enjoy!

Rob Tornoe’s coronavirus cartoon for Friday, May 15.