Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Can Biden v Trump Become Bush v Gore? | Ed In The Apple

Can Biden v Trump Become Bush v Gore? | Ed In The Apple
Can Biden v Trump Become Bush v Gore?

The election of our lifetimes is only a few hours away, oddly, everyone I know has already voted.

Up early, as usual, check my phone, 42 degrees and that squiggly line – gusty winds. Pull on my cold weather clothing, balaclava, and compression pants and off on my morning bike ride. Eddies of leaves swirling across the roads, a howling wind, part of the sky blue with billowing clouds, the other part with low swirling gray clouds; God (he/she) has a wry sense of humor.

I pedal along deserted roads; the Biden-Harris signs greatly outnumber the Trump signs: does signage predict election outcomes?  A few drops of rain splash across my face, I pedal harder, no pain, no gain, sort of a motto of life, I’m philosophical as I race along, carefully, on shoulder of the road.

The General Store is empty; I pull up my face mask, a steaming cup of black coffee and a banana, my standard breakfast. I sit outside, sip my coffee and nibble the banana, scroll through my phone, and, read Nate Silver’s Upbeat in the New York Times. 

Four years ago Silver’s column, closely following the polls and predicting the CONTINUE READING: Can Biden v Trump Become Bush v Gore? | Ed In The Apple