Friday, October 23, 2020

Oakland, California: Elect a Slate of Pro-Public School Candidates! | Diane Ravitch's blog

Oakland, California: Elect a Slate of Pro-Public School Candidates! | Diane Ravitch's blog
Oakland, California: Elect a Slate of Pro-Public School Candidates!

Oakland has been a playground for the privatization industry for many years. The state took control of Oakland in 2003 because of a budget deficit and removed its school board. Billionaire Eli Broad selected its new superintendent (and his successors), and reformers took charge, opening charter schools and promising revolutionary improvement. Their goal was to turn the public schools into a “free market.” Five years after the takeover, Oakland had 32 charter schools and 111 regular public schools. Needless to add, there was no dramatic improvement in Oakland. Today, Oakland has the highest proportion of students in charter schools of any city in California.

Tom Ultican wrote here about the saturation of Oakland by billionaire privatizers, who just can’t leave the district alone and are determined to pour in more resources until there are no public schools left.

Four advocates of public schools are running for the school board.

They are: Sam Davis (District 1), VanCedric Williams (District 3), Mike Hutchinson (District 5) and Victor Valerio (District 7).

Tom Ultican posed this question: Oakland, California: Elect a Slate of Pro-Public School Candidates! | Diane Ravitch's blog