Saturday, October 24, 2020

Education Matters: So much for schools not being COVID spreaders (draft)

Education Matters: So much for schools not being COVID spreaders (draft)
So much for schools not being COVID spreaders (draft)

I am so disappointed in DCPS, they are knowingly putting people at risk and that's leading to an uptick in the virus. As cases in schools rise dramatically so do cases in the city and nation. The most easily predictable thing ever is coming true more and more people are getting sick. Sadly the super and school board has responded with a shrug.


I don't think it is a coincidence that District cases are heading through the roof and remember this is just what they are reporting, we all know it is much worse.

Then it's not just happening here, it's happening all across the country as we have seen our highest numbers CONTINUE READING: Education Matters: So much for schools not being COVID spreaders (draft)