Friday, October 23, 2020

Calling Joe Biden: You Promised to Cut Back Federal Testing Mandates, Remember? | Diane Ravitch's blog

Calling Joe Biden: You Promised to Cut Back Federal Testing Mandates, Remember? | Diane Ravitch's blog
Calling Joe Biden: You Promised to Cut Back Federal Testing Mandates, Remember?

Joe Biden needs to have a talk with his policy director Stef Feldman. During the campaign, Biden made specific commitments to reduce the mandates for standardized testing and to reduce the stakes attached to testing. But Stef Feldman met with the Education Writers Association and she didn’t seem to know anything about what Biden had repeatedly said about the misuse and overuse of standardized testing. She said the question should be left to the transition team and the new administration. What?

Feldman refused to commit to granting waivers to the states to bypass the federal mandate for annual testing in spring 2021. DeVos granted waivers in 2020 after almost every school closed down due to the pandemic but said she would not do it again in spring 2021 (hopefully by then she will be back in one of her mansions or on one of her yachts).

It is now late October and the pandemic is still surging. Why not grant universal waivers to the states so that CONTINUE READING: Calling Joe Biden: You Promised to Cut Back Federal Testing Mandates, Remember? | Diane Ravitch's blog