Sunday, October 25, 2020

Arizona: Gov. Ducey Blasts Referendum to Increase $$$ for Education | Diane Ravitch's blog

Arizona: Gov. Ducey Blasts Referendum to Increase $$$ for Education | Diane Ravitch's blog
Arizona: Gov. Ducey Blasts Referendum to Increase $$$ for Education

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, who is often called a Koch puppet because the Koch network donated heavily to his elections, denounced Proposition 208, which would increase taxes to raise teachers’ salaries. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos stood by his side, presumably pleased with his attack on higher wages for the state’s teachers. He made his remarks while visiting a charter school and lauding charter schools for innovation.

Gov. Doug Ducey delivered a scathing rebuke of Proposition 208, the Invest in Education Act, while visiting a school on Thursday with U.S Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

The proposal on November’s ballot would add a 3.5% surcharge on income tax for individuals with taxable income of $250,000 or more or couples making $500,000 or more. The revenue would go largely to raising school staff salaries.

“It would make us the equivalent of Bernie Sanders’ Vermont, or New York state or Washington, D.C.,” he said in response to a question about U.S. Sen. Bernie CONTINUE READING: Arizona: Gov. Ducey Blasts Referendum to Increase $$$ for Education | Diane Ravitch's blog