Friday, September 4, 2020

Video: Start off school by watching, “Teaching When The World Is On Fire”

 Video: Start off school by watching, “Teaching When The World Is On Fire”

Video: Start off school by watching, “Teaching When The World Is On Fire”

Dr. Lisa Delpit, Sarah Ishmael, Jonathan Tunstall, & Jesse Hagopian on the struggle for racial justice in education.

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Our world is literally on fire–whether it’s the climate change fueled fires in California or the police terror fulled fires from the uprising for Black lives–and educators have a special responsibility in this era to help students make sense of the these realities and empower them to help make collective change.

With school starting back, now is a good time to check out this video, hosted by Dr. Lisa Delpit, on “Teaching When The World Is On Fire.”

As part of the 2020 “Reimagining Education: Teaching, Learning, and Leading for a Racially Just Society Summer Institute,” I joined the amazing Dr. Lisa Delpit for a discussion on themes from her newest book, Teaching While the World is on Fire–a book I contributed to with a co-authored chapter with Dr. Wayne Au titled, “How One Elementary School Sparked a Citywide Movement to Make Black Students’ Lives Matter.” Also joining the panel were book CONTINUE READING:  Video: Start off school by watching, “Teaching When The World Is On Fire”