Saturday, September 19, 2020

THIS WEEK IN EDUCATION Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007

  Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... 
The latest news and resources in education since 2007

Saturday’s Must-Read Articles & Must-Watch Videos About School Reopening
geralt / Pixabay Here are new additions to THE BEST POSTS PREDICTING WHAT SCHOOLS WILL LOOK LIKE IN THE FALL : Streaming Kindergarten on TikTok is from The NY Times. In Denmark, the forest is the new classroom is from The Washington Post. School discipline enters new realm with online learning is from The Washington Post. Kids went to open-air schools during this epidemic. In winter. In New Engla
R.I.P. Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Listen To What She Told New U.S. Citizens
Photo via Wikimedia Commons As everyone has heard, the world lost a great fighter for just when U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died today. You might be interested in two previous posts that have appeared here: Listen To What Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says Before She Administers Oath To New Citizens Video: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg “reveals family story to new US
Two New Very Good Resources For Teaching About Women’s Suffrage
The United States recognized 100 years of the 19th Amendment last month. Here are two new additions to The Best Resources For Learning About Women’s Suffrage : 19 Ways to Teach the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment is from The NY Times Learning Network. Fight for the Right:100 Years of Women Voting is an interactive from The California Museum.

SEP 17

“Slow Down, You Move Too Fast” Is My Distance Learning Lesson Of The Day
kewl / Pixabay I don’t really know many – if any – students in my IB Theory of Knowledge classes. After two-and-a-half weeks of full time distance learning, they seem to be going relatively well. Largely because I didn’t know them, I’ve been taking things very slowly. On the other hand, I know practically all of the students in my English Language Learner classes. Those have been pretty rocky. An
Friday’s Must-Read Articles On School Reopening
geralt / Pixabay Here are new additions to THE BEST POSTS PREDICTING WHAT SCHOOLS WILL LOOK LIKE IN THE FALL : The Crushing Reality of Zoom School is from Esquire. N.Y.C. Will Again Delay Start of In-Person Classes for Most Students is from The NY Times. Facing Monday deadline, New York City will again delay start of in-person classes is from USA Today. ‘I’m Only 1 Person’: Teachers Feel Torn Bet
In A Moment, President Trump Makes Thousands Of Students Eager To Learn About The Role Of Slavery In American History
Owantana / Pixabay As a nineteen year community organizer veteran prior to becoming a teacher, an old adage we used was that “your opponent does your best organizing for you.” President Trump demonstrated that today with his public attack on the fabulous 1619 Project (see Get A Free PDF Of The NY Times’ “1619 Project” ). You can read more about today’s ridiculousness below: Trump Announces Commis
On Sept. 21st, Zoom Implements A Feature To Allow People To Choose Their Own Breakout Rooms
Last month, I posted that Zoom Announces Feature Coming Next Month To Allow Student Choice Of Breakout Rooms . They have now announced it will be unveiled on September 21st: Based on my clumsy and time-consuming attempts at having students choose their partners by renaming themselves with the same numbers before their first names, this new feature will certainly be welcomed by my students and me.
Three Accessible Ways To Search For & Find My “Best” Lists
(Note: I am going to publish this same post once each month to remind regular readers and inform newer ones about how to access my “Best” lists) As regular readers know, I have about 2,100 categorized and regularly updated “Best” lists. You can find all of them in broad categories here . The link to that page can also be found at the top right of my blog: My Best Of Series I also have them all on
“How Should Educators Respond to Trump Administration Attack on Anti-Racist Training?”
How Should Educators Respond to Trump Administration Attack on Anti-Racist Training? is the headline of the latest post at my Ed Week Teacher column. It’s actually a guest post from Terri Watson. Terri N. Watson suggests that educators reinforce their support of Critical Race Theory in the face of Trump attacks on it, including by recognizing that “differences are not deficits” and demanding that

SEP 16

Three Videos To Help Teach About The Presidential Election
mounsey / Pixabay Here are new videos I’m adding to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING ABOUT THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION :
Thursday’s Must-Read Articles On School Reopening
USA-Reiseblogger / Pixabay Here are new additions to THE BEST POSTS PREDICTING WHAT SCHOOLS WILL LOOK LIKE IN THE FALL : A Texas teacher on the struggles of this school year. is from Slate. For School Outbreaks, It’s When, Not If is from The NY Times. Teaching Is Hell Right Now is from Slate.
How In The World Am I Just Learning About “Teaching Books”?!
Every year, my Beginning/Intermediate English Language Learner class begins as a pretty stressful experience for me. I’m never really sure what level of English-proficiency my students will have – state English test scores are notoriously useless, and the pandemic eliminated the tests even being given in the spring. Every year I have to have a number of alternative plans for the class based on pr
Ed Tech Digest
Nine years ago, in another somewhat futile attempt to reduce the backlog of resources I want to share, I began this occasional “” post where I share three or four links I think are particularly useful and related to…ed tech, including some Web 2.0 apps. You might also be interested in THE BEST ED TECH RESOURCES OF 2020 – PART ONE , as well as checking out all my edtech resources . Here are this w

SEP 15

This Week’s Resources To Support Teachers Coping With School Closures
Wokandapix / Pixabay I have a number of regular weekly features (see HERE IS A LIST (WITH LINKS) OF ALL MY REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURES ). This is a relatively new addition to that list. Some of these resources will be added to The Best Advice On Teaching K-12 Online (If We Have To Because Of The Coronavirus) – Please Make More Suggestions ! and the best will go to The “Best Of The Best” Resources To
New PBS NewHour Video Segment: “The hopes, fears and reality as schools open worldwide”
Mediamodifier / Pixabay I’m adding this segment from tonight’s PBS NewsHour to THE BEST POSTS PREDICTING WHAT SCHOOLS WILL LOOK LIKE IN THE FALL :
Four African-American Girls Were Murdered 56 Years Ago Today In The Birmingham Church Bombing – Here Are Teaching & Learning Resources
Fifty-six years ago today four African-American girls were killed when their church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama. You might be interested in The Best Resources For Learning About The Birmingham Church Bombing . I remember and say the names of Addie Mae Collins (aged 14), Cynthia Wesley (aged 14), Carole Robertson (aged 14) and Denise McNair (aged 11), who died in the bombing of Birmingham, A
Nice Graphic Illustrating Elements Of The New IB TOK Curriculum
In what I think was a bad policy move, the International Baccalaureate program went forward this year with major changes to the Theory of Knowledge curriculum instead of delaying them a year. I have no negative feelings about the new curriculum itself – I think most are good changes. In the face of a pandemic, however, I don’t think teachers like me needed the added pressure of figuring out how t
Two Options For Beginning A Week Of Distance Learning
geralt / Pixabay Here are two options (out of many!) to begin a week of distance learning. On Mondays, my talented colleague Lara Hoekstra asks students to respond in writing to a series of questions – the first couple are more reflective on the past week, while the next ones are more SEL-oriented. Here’s a downloadable example . I’m trying out something a little different – a simple Google Form
“Videos Teachers Can Learn From …”
Videos Teachers Can Learn From … is the headline of my latest Education Week Teacher column. Four educators share videos and movies that have helped them become better teachers, including “Remember The Titans” and “Winnie The Pooh.” Here are some excerpts:

SEP 14

Tuesday’s Must-Read Articles About School Reopening
Antranias / Pixabay Here are new additions to THE BEST POSTS PREDICTING WHAT SCHOOLS WILL LOOK LIKE IN THE FALL : The New York City Schools That Didn’t Close is from The New Yorker. A class of 100? COVID-19 plans overwhelming some teachers with huge virtual classes is from USA Today. As N.Y.C. Reopens Schools, Homeless Families Face New Challenges is from The NY Times. N.Y.C. Parents Are Exhauste
The Best Resources For Teaching & Learning About How The Stock Market Works
Pexels / Pixabay First off, I want to make very clear this is a list of accessible resources explaining how the stock market works. This is not a list of resources explaining some of the negative societal impacts of its results. Those you can find at The Best Resources About Wealth & Income Inequality. Whether we like it or not, the stock market does exist, and it’s worth helping our students dev
“The Importance of Challenging Teachers’ Microaggressions”
The Importance of Challenging Teachers’ Microaggressions is the headline of my latest Education Week Teacher. Three educators discuss the importance of responding to racist microaggressions committed by colleagues and how best to do it, including by expressing public and private dismay to the offender and submitting a complaint to a supervisor. Here are some excerpts:

SEP 13

Classroom Instruction Resources Of The Week
Each week, I publish a post or two containing three or four particularly useful resources on classroom instruction, and you can see them all here. Of course, this is a crazy time for “classroom” instruction…. You might also be interested in THE BEST RESOURCES ON INSTRUCTION IN 2020 – PART ONE. Here are this week’s picks: Wheel Decide is a handy “roulette-type” wheel that you can modify with any w
Monday’s Must-Read Articles & Must-Watch Videos About School Reopening
hitesh0141 / Pixabay Here are new additions to THE BEST POSTS PREDICTING WHAT SCHOOLS WILL LOOK LIKE IN THE FALL : How China Brought Nearly 200 Million Students Back to School is from The NY Times. As Fires Disrupt Schools, ‘the Pandemic Has Actually Helped’ is from The NY Times. How an unprecedented, indefinite crisis forced education leaders to change the ways school districts operate is from T
“Rank Country” Is A Great Site For Comparing Demographic Data Among Countries
Rank Country is a very impressive – and I mean very impressive – new tool for comparing demographic data from different countries. Here’s how they describe themselves: Research country data as never before. Powerfully insightful world maps and country list data visualizations. Search thousands of country-based indicators across all categories of the built and natural world. Interactively overlay
Building Trust With Students In A Distance Learning Environment
geralt / Pixabay Relationships are key in any kind of teaching situation (see The Best Resources On The Importance Of Building Positive Relationships With Students ), and developing trust is a key part of that (see The Best Posts About Trust & Education ). Last week, I wrote about one of the key strategies I’m using in a full time distance learning environment (see “Individual Meetings” Are THE B
Pins Of The Week
I’m fairly active on Pinterest and, in fact, have curated 22,000 resources there that I haven’t shared on this blog. I thought readers might find it useful if I began sharing a handful of my most recent “pins” each week (I’m not sure if you can see them through an RSS Reader – you might have to click through to the original post). You might also be interested in MY MOST POPULAR PINS OF 2020 – PAR

SEP 12

The Importance Of Stretch Breaks For Students – & Teachers – During Distance Learning
I suspect a lot of teachers are already doing this, but I have to admit that in the midst of the chaotic first week of distance learning, I didn’t even think about instituting regular stretch breaks in classes before I saw this USA Today article: School at home: How to keep attending virtual classes from being a real pain in the neck. Students seem to appreciate the one minute stretch break mid-w
Sunday’ Must-Read Articles & Must-Watch Videos On School Reopening
Awaix_Mughal / Pixabay Here are new additions to THE BEST POSTS PREDICTING WHAT SCHOOLS WILL LOOK LIKE IN THE FALL : Teachers unions around the world clash with governments over coronavirus and school reopening plans is from The Washington Post. Will This Be a Lost Year for America’s Children? is from The NY Times.
Video: “What Pizza Is Like Around the World”
igorovsyannykov / Pixabay This new fun video could inspire class projects to examine international varieties of other common foods. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Learning About The World’s Different Cultures ;
Around The Web In ESL/EFL/ELL
BiljaST / Pixabay Six years ago I began this regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention. You might also be interested in THE BEST RESOURCES, ARTICLES & BLOG POSTS FOR TEACHERS OF ELLS IN 2019 – PART ONE and THE BEST RESOURCES, ARTICLES & BLOG POSTS FOR TEACHERS OF ELLS IN 2019 – PART TWO. A
Infographic: “Global Wildlife Populations Suffer Catastrophic Collapse”
Peggy_Marco / Pixabay A new report came out this week with catastrophic news about animals. I’m adding this infographic to The Best Resources For World Biodiversity Day (& Endangered Species Day) : You will find more infographics at Statista
Most Popular Posts Of The Week
I’m making a change in the content of the regular feature. In addition to sharing the top five posts that have received the most “hits” in the preceding seven days (though they may have originally been published on an earlier date), I will also include the top five posts that have actually appeared in the 

  Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007