Monday, September 14, 2020

The Everyday Exhaustion of Teaching During a Global Pandemic | gadflyonthewallblog

 The Everyday Exhaustion of Teaching During a Global Pandemic | gadflyonthewallblog

The Everyday Exhaustion of Teaching During a Global Pandemic 

Teaching is one of the few things in life that is not concerned with now.

It is essentially about the future.

We put all this time and energy into helping kids learn. Why?

Not so that they’ll be able to do anything today. But so that they’ll be able to do things tomorrow.

Sure they may be able to read better or solve math problems, but the reason we want them to know that isn’t so much about what they’ll do with it as adolescents. It’s how those skills will shape the people they grow up to be.

It’s an investment in their future and ours.

We take a bit of today and invest it in tomorrow.

And during a global pandemic that can be especially hard.

The west is on fire. Storms are threatening our southern coasts. Police brutality is out of control and bands of neofascist thugs are given free rein to beat and murder protesters. We’ve separated immigrant families and put their kids in cages. The President has lied to us, disparaged our troops, bragged about breaking countless laws and the government is powerless to stop him. Our political system and social fabric is coming apart at the seams. And everyone from the average Joe to the CONTINUE READING:  The Everyday Exhaustion of Teaching During a Global Pandemic | gadflyonthewallblog