Monday, September 28, 2020

Sound Advice for Parents of Young Children | Diane Ravitch's blog

Sound Advice for Parents of Young Children | Diane Ravitch's blog

Sound Advice for Parents of Young Children

Denisha Jones, an expert in early childhood education and a lawyer (and a member of the board of the Betwork for Public Education) has prepared an excellent report for Defending the Early Years.
DEY advocates for sound educational practices for young children, and their advice in this report is balanced and humane.
Be sure to read the recommendations at the end of the report.
It begins:
Though the push to online learning/remote schooling was necessary to deal with a global pandemic, it ushered in fundamental changes to the lives of young children, their families, and their teachers. The speed at which schools were closed and how quickly we expected children and families to learn online or at home made it difficult for CONTINUE READING: Sound Advice for Parents of Young Children | Diane Ravitch's blog