Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Let The Charter School Lies Begin | Northridge, CA Patch

Let The Charter School Lies Begin | Northridge, CA Patch

Let The Charter School Lies Begin
The California Charter School Association mails its first flyer of the general election. They start with the same debunked lie as before.

"You're saying it's a falsehood and Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that."
- Kellyanne Conway
As part of their antisemitic campaign against LAUSD Board Member Scott Schmerelson, the charter school industry pushed a narrative that he had "tripled his own pay." As pointed out during the primary, this was a complete lie advanced by the California Charter School Association (CCSA). While school board members did receive a massive increase from $45,637 to $125,000 per year, they had nothing to do with the raise. These salaries are set by "the independent LAUSD Board of Education Compensation Review Committee, [which is] comprised of members appointed by local leaders." None of the members of this committee are appointed by the members of the LAUSD School Board.
This repeated fact-checking did not stop the CCSA from repeating the lie in the first flyer mailed to voters as part of the general election. In big red letters, this mailing states that Schmerelson "TRIPLED HIS OWN PAY…" It is the lie that will not die.
Charter schools are trusted to educate 20% of the students in the LAUSD. The lack of integrity demonstrated by charter leadership in these ads should concern any parent who sends their children to these schools and the public that helps pay their salary. It should also raise a CONTINUE READING: Let The Charter School Lies Begin | Northridge, CA Patch