Saturday, September 19, 2020

Laura Chapman on the “COVID Slide” | Diane Ravitch's blog

Laura Chapman on the “COVID Slide” | Diane Ravitch's blog

Laura Chapman on the “COVID Slide”

We have been warned! Students are”losing ground,” “falling behind,” and in desperate need of remediation.
Laura Chapman captures the debate:
The big promotion for this Covid-19 era is how to mitigate a “slide in learning.”
The so-called COVID-slide is made up by bean counters who think that the be-all and end-all of education is captured in test scores for reading and math.
Among these high profile bean counters is the Rand Corporation. I have linked you to the following article for their solutions to the slide problem. They think it is fine to just “recruit top teachers, with grade-level experience, and equip them with rigorous academic curriculums. They will operate for five or six weeks of the summer, with three or four hours of academics every day, as well as time for enrichment activities.” In addition they “they will establish a clear attendance policy.”
Then there is the Brookings Institution, and like all test-centered promoters of a “Covid Slide” their experts rely CONTINUE READING: Laura Chapman on the “COVID Slide” | Diane Ravitch's blog