Saturday, September 26, 2020

I Can’t Shield My Daughter From Both Coronavirus AND Edmentum – Our District’s Crappy On-line Learning Platform | gadflyonthewallblog

I Can’t Shield My Daughter From Both Coronavirus AND Edmentum – Our District’s Crappy On-line Learning Platform | gadflyonthewallblog

I Can’t Shield My Daughter From Both Coronavirus AND Edmentum – Our District’s Crappy On-line Learning Platform

Being a parent during a global pandemic means having to make difficult decisions.
The most pressing of which seems to be: from which Coronavirus spawned horror should I shield my child?
As schools slowly reopened in my neck of the woods, it was basically a choice between in-person instruction or remote learning.
Do I allow my child the benefits of a living, breathing teacher but risk the COVID-19 incubator of a physical classroom environment – or do I keep her safe at home but parked in front of a computer all day?
It’s not an easy call.