Thursday, August 6, 2020

What I Told McKeesport Area School Directors About the Unsafe Reopening Plan Proposed by Administrators | gadflyonthewallblog

What I Told McKeesport Area School Directors About the Unsafe Reopening Plan Proposed by Administrators | gadflyonthewallblog

What I Told McKeesport Area School Directors About the Unsafe Reopening Plan Proposed by Administrators
This evening I went back to my high school to tell school board members what I thought of administration’s reopening plan during the global pandemic.

McKeesport Area School Directors have not voted on the proposal yet.

So I gathered my thoughts, put on my mask and went to the work session meeting.
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This is what I said:

“Thank you for allowing me to address you this evening. I appreciate all the time and effort you put forward to lead the McKeesport Area School District and do what’s best for students, staff, and families.

I am a life-long resident of this community. Most of my family graduated from this school as did my brother and I. Before I got a job as a teacher at a neighboring district, I subbed here in the high school for years. My daughter has attended the district for the past 6 years and has received a first rate education so far.

However, I am very concerned with Superintendent Dr. Mark Holtzman’s proposed plan to reopen schools. He would have students attend school buildings in-person for half days and do virtual instruction for the other half.

This is not a safe plan for students, staff and families. I ask you to reconsider and move to a reopening plan that begins with all students engaged in distance learning.

The reason is simple. New cases of COVID-19 are spiking throughout Allegheny County. Along with Philadelphia – where students will be getting 100% virtual instruction – we have some of the highest numbers of new cases CONTINUE READING: What I Told McKeesport Area School Directors About the Unsafe Reopening Plan Proposed by Administrators | gadflyonthewallblog