Sunday, August 16, 2020

Take Action to Save the USPS and the Election | Live Long and Prosper

Take Action to Save the USPS and the Election | Live Long and Prosper

Take Action to Save the USPS and the Election

The following information and letter is from the Schools Matter blog by Jim Horn (not to be confused with the School Matters blog by Steve Hinnefeld). I have made some changes to correct typos and errors. Please feel free to personalize and edit the letter below. Let’s make sure that all members of Congress, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents wake up tomorrow morning to full in-boxes!!
Today’s Action to Save the PO and the Election
Please feel free to use the letter below or any parts of it to write your elected federal officials TODAY. Thank you–your children and grandchildren will thank you.
[Find Senators’ and Representatives’ phone, email, and US mail addresses here and here.]
Because I believe you to be among the 90 percent of Americans who deeply value the essential work of the United States Postal Service, I am writing to request your help. Media reports currently abound about deliberate efforts by the Trump Administration to hobble the USPS by cutting work hours, altering work rules and record-keeping requirements, removing postal collection boxes, decommissioning mail sorting equipment, reorganizing management to centralize power, and destroying hundreds of expensive barcode sorters.
The President, himself, has admitted more than once of taking an active role in CONTINUE READING: Take Action to Save the USPS and the Election | Live Long and Prosper