Saturday, August 15, 2020

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: Empowering the voters with knowledge

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: Empowering the voters with knowledge

Empowering the voters with knowledge

Empower Jax is an organization known for wanting to strip protections away from LGBTQ people. They fought against the HRO and push an agenda that wants to see gay people shoved back in the closet, and don't take my word for it, take the Times Unions. Oh, and why does this matter? It's because they found their candidate in district 3.

From the Florida Times-Union,

The newly formed group trying to repeal Jacksonville laws designed to protect gay and transgender people from discrimination is tied to a statewide organization known for its anti-gay platform.
Empower Jacksonville is registered with the state as a fictitious name for Florida Family Action, a step businesses take when they want to operate under a different name. Florida Family Action and sister organization Florida Family Policy Council are both led by John Stemberger, a conservative activist and attorney based in Orlando.
They are an astroturf group whose main purpose ist to strip rights away from LGBTQ citizens.
I received a survey from them in Mid July, and after answering a few questions, I couldn't continue because I could see where they were going, and it was a place that I found unacceptable.
Mrs. Pearson, however, must have seen it differently as she just deposited a five hundred dollar check from CONTINUE READING: Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: Empowering the voters with knowledge