Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: Richard Corcoran thinks he is king of education

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: Richard Corcoran thinks he is king of education

Richard Corcoran thinks he is king of education

First, Corcoran issues an executive order that flies in the face of the state constitution bullying districts with the threat of losing my money, and now he has told districts before you close a class or a school give him a call so he can decide if it is okay to do so, even giving out his personal number. I want to remind everyone Corcoran is neither a doctor nor an educator or king of education, nope he's a hatchet-man doing the bidding of the governor. 

From the Tampa Times,

“Before you get to the point of closing a classroom, we want to have that conversation with you,” Corcoran told the superintendents, adding that he will provide several top officials’ cell phone numbers for easier contact.

If a child exhibits symptoms, he said, there’s no reason to close the school and clean it. But schools should make sure if someone appears sick, that person should be sent home, and adequate communication should happen with families whose children might have been exposed.

Perhaps an entire class might be sent home for the day. But, without a positive test result or continued symptoms, he said, the students should be allowed back the next day.

The situation might call for even less drastic action, Corcoran added. School officials might want to determine who was within 6 feet of the person showing symptoms for longer than 15 minutes, he said.


You should read the article, it is terrifying.

Corcoran out every district in a hole, and he has now given them a shovel and instructed them to keep CONTINUE READING: 
Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: Richard Corcoran thinks he is king of education