Thursday, August 13, 2020

McKeesport School Board Recklessly Votes to Reopen to Half Day In-Person Classes During a Global Pandemic | gadflyonthewallblog

McKeesport School Board Recklessly Votes to Reopen to Half Day In-Person Classes During a Global Pandemic | gadflyonthewallblog

McKeesport School Board Recklessly Votes to Reopen to Half Day In-Person Classes During a Global Pandemic

For a moment there, I thought things might go differently.
With Covid-19 cases exponentially more numerous today than they were when schools closed in March, last night McKeesport Area School Directors voted whether to reopen buildings to half day in-person classes.
And it really looked like they might decide against it.
For about 10 seconds.
The first vote was from Jim Brown, and it was a “No.”
Then came Dave Donato.
He has made no secret that he champions in-person reopening. Since no residents came before the board to praise the plan – either at tonight’s meeting or last week’s work session – he read aloud a letter he said he received from someone advocating for it.
But when the time came to vote, Donato stopped. He paused.
And for a moment things looked like they might come out right.
Then he voted in favor of the reopening plan.
The final vote was 7-2 in favor with Brown and Mindy Sturgess voting against.
Donato, Joseph Lopretto, Tom Filotei, Ivan Hampton, Steven Kondrosky, Jim Poston CONTINUE READING: 
McKeesport School Board Recklessly Votes to Reopen to Half Day In-Person Classes During a Global Pandemic | gadflyonthewallblog