Monday, August 24, 2020

In This 2020-21 Pedagogical Twilight Zone, Value Relationship. | deutsch29

In This 2020-21 Pedagogical Twilight Zone, Value Relationship. | deutsch29

In This 2020-21 Pedagogical Twilight Zone, Value Relationship.

Thursday, August 20, 2020, was my first day of school for this COVID-19, 2020-21 school year. No students yet– the current plan is for students to return after Labor Day.
2020-21 promises to be a pedagogical Twilight Zone.
For teachers and administrators across the nation, the difficulty rests in trying to string days together to form some sort of continuity when the at-best predictability guarantee is only the day we are in and what we know in that day. Procedures and expectations are really confined to a single day. True, we might hope and wish and try to plan to make what happens today somehow logically connect to what will happen tomorrow, and as logical creatures, that is the way teachers and admin are attempting to plan for this school year, but even as we do so, we know that we are trying to construct a solid school year on a foundation that we already know simply cannot support the entire structure.
And still we plan. We must plan. And at this time of education during the pandemic, those plans are rife with contradiction.
Write all lessons in the online classroom platform, but also have paper copies on hand for students who do not have their computers on a given day.
Position student desks six feet apart, but fit all of the students in your classroom CONTINUE READING: In This 2020-21 Pedagogical Twilight Zone, Value Relationship. | deutsch29