Friday, August 7, 2020

I Bought HEPA Air Filtration for My Classroom | deutsch29

I Bought HEPA Air Filtration for My Classroom | deutsch29

I Bought HEPA Air Filtration for My Classroom

As part of my effort to control what I can in the face of so much COVID-19 unknown, today I purchased two HEPA (“high efficiency particulate air”) filtration machines for my classroom (I chose Okaysou AirMax8L for its reasonable price and for the square footage a single machine is able to filter multiple times per hour.)
Given the squre footage of my room (roughly 600 sq ft), the two units should be able to filter the entire room four to five times per hour.
My classroom has windows, but they do not open. Besides, the Louisiana climate does not often lend itself to comfortable, non-AC living. (I attended high school in Louisiana without AC, and we often had to move to an abbreviated, 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. school day because of the sweltering afternoon heat and humidity.) Too, even though my classroom has a back door that I could leave open, doing so introduces safety concerns associated with a campus comprised of multiple buildings (and therefore, multiple entrances).
I do have two wall AC units, but these are not equiped with HEPA filtration.
I feel relief because of this purchase. Let me tell you why.
First of all, if it is safer to be outdoors during this pandemic, then quality filtering of indoor indoor air makes sense.
Second, even though my district is mandating that my high school students wear masks in class (exceptions must be approved by administration on a case-by-case basis), and since I am grounded in K12-teacher reality, I anticipate that I will encounter varied student resistance to doing so (i.e., masks under chin; masks over mouth but not nose; full-on mask defiance that requires disciplinary CONTINUE READING: I Bought HEPA Air Filtration for My Classroom | deutsch29