Sunday, August 30, 2020

Derek Black: Betsy DeVos and the Theft of CARES Funding | Diane Ravitch's blog

Derek Black: Betsy DeVos and the Theft of CARES Funding | Diane Ravitch's blog

Derek Black: Betsy DeVos and the Theft of CARES Funding

In this article in the New York Daily News, constitutional lawyer Derek Black explains how Betsy DeVos used her authority as Secretary of Educatiin to send federal dollars intended for public schools to elite private schools and religious schools. Black’s new book, “School House Burning,” is an outstanding read.
He writes:
Betsy DeVos’ agenda to expand private education has floundered for three years. In 2017, public schools’ financial hole was too deep for either party in Congress to consider digging it deeper. But since March of this year, amidst a pandemic that has killed more than 170,000 Americans, cratered the economy and underlined the importance of public education, the U.S. secretary of education has made more headway than in the last three years combined.
Naively, Congress assumed that DeVos would put coronavirus response ahead of her ideological agenda. They were wrong, and now she is on the verge of turning the education policy world upside down.
In its first year, the administration proposed cutting and CONTINUE READING: Derek Black: Betsy DeVos and the Theft of CARES Funding | Diane Ravitch's blog