Sunday, August 30, 2020

CATCH UP WITH CURMUDGUCATION + ICYMI: This Month Can't End Too Soon Edition (8/30)

CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: This Month Can't End Too Soon Edition (8/30)

This Month Can't End Too Soon Edition

Sometimes you're just really ready to get to te next chapter, or just the next page. Not an uncommon feeling these days, even though it's not clear that the next chapter will be any less troublesome than this one. We'll see soon enough. In the meantime, here are some readings from the week.

From Sarah Schwartz at EdWeek. And no, she's not talking about those evil teachers who are worried that distance learning will lay bare their terrible indoctrination plans.

Remember the teachers who were shot with non-lethal but really painful and scary bullets during an active shooter drill? They've decided to take it to court.

This op-ed from the York Daily Record looks at how PA cyber schools are hoovering up all the aid, because profiting from a crisis is fun, even if it screws over public schools.

From The Lily. These girls called their school on the whole "we can't require students to wear masks but female skin will be outlawed with the full force of school rules" baloney.

Another editorial about DeVos's recent court losses, which aren't news at this point, but this piece from the Los Angeles Times editorial board is still worth a read.

From the New York Times, a look at yet another system that keeps NYC schools among the most segregated in the country.

At Dad Gone Wild, another example of how some professional education disruptors manage to cash in creatively.

Andre Perry at EdWeek with the dismaying facts and figures of just how much we underfund Black schools and education. 

From McSweeneys, a gentle spin on two favorite characters on a new adventure.

CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: This Month Can't End Too Soon Edition (8/30)


Second Federal Judge Slams DeVos Plan To Send Federal Funds To Private Schools - by @palan57 on @forbes

Judge Rejects Betsy DeVos Plan To Send Federal Funds To Private Schools - by @palan57 on @forbes

Brookings Makes A Bad Pro-Charter Argument
Mona Vakilifathi graduated from the4 University of California, San Diego, with a BS in political science and government back in 2009, and she's been working policy jobs ever since. Over at Brookings, she has some thoughts about Democrats, charter schools, and ed policy , and while she seems to mean well, she has missed a few spots here and there. I've read it so you don't have to. Let me get the
The Zero Sum Game
I'm feeling a little dumb at the moment, because a light bulb just went on that should have gone on a while ago. I was having the same conversation I've had many times. "Charters and vouchers and public schools could absolutely coexist. There's no reason it has to be a zero sum game," said someone. And I agree, sort of. There are some things that can't help being zero sum, like having enough stude
Information Sources: Don't Quit Your Day Job
The New York Times just announced another "project" t o be embedded within the paper and funded by philanthropic types. It's not a new model; the Gates Foundation has been funding journalism "projects" for a while. This piece by Tim Schwab at the Columbia Journalism Review lays out in depressing detail just how large the Bill Gates Underwritten Journalism Industry actually is (freakin' huge). This
Education Law Center: States Are Using Fed Grants To Cut Education Spending
According to the folks at the Education Law Center , states are repeating the sins of a decade ago. Let me explain. Pity Tom Corbett. He became one of the few Pennsylvania one term governors, and he lost in no small part because he was accused of cutting education spending by a billion dollars . And he sort of did, but he was also sort of set up by the previous governor, Ed Rendell, who collected
How Bad Is This Gates-Funded Essay Cyber-Scorer? This Bad.
Software that can grade an essay is the great white whale of automating education. If software could actually score an essay effectively, data-mining personalized [sic] algorithm-delivered edu-product could work with more than just multiple choice and true or false questions. I've written a plenty about why this great white whale is not going to be landed any time soon. But let me give you a speci
Trump's Education Agenda
Trump has released his agenda for his second term , and it's special. Cut taxes. Add jobs. Eradicate Covid-19. End reliance on China. Cover pre-existing conditions. Congressional term limits. Bring violent extremist groups like ANTIFA to justice. Dismantle human trafficking. Build the world's greatest infrastructure system (so, more infrastructure week!) Stop endless wars. It's all familiar hooey,
More Pandemic Privatization
" This New Nonprofit Is Training Better Online Teachers This Fall " gushes the EdSurge article that is barely disguised PR for yet another reformy initiative. This summer a group of education leaders, many from the world of charter schools and education reform, sought to change that by launching the nonprofit National Summer School Initiative, or NSSI for short. Its solution was both a crash cours
ICYMI: My Wife's Summer Vacation Ends Edition (8/23)
Teachers get back to it this week, with students returning in a week. We're holding our breaths here-- my county has a 2020 total of 69 cases and 1 death (yes, that's for the whole year so far), so local folks have not been