Saturday, August 29, 2020

Carol Burris: New York City Public Schools Should Re-Open | Diane Ravitch's blog

Carol Burris: New York City Public Schools Should Re-Open | Diane Ravitch's blog

Carol Burris: New York City Public Schools Should Re-Open

Carol Burris, executive director of the Network for Public Education and a retired high school principal and a grandmother, argues in this article that public schools in New York City should reopen. She speaks for herself, not for the Network for Public Education. NPE issued a statement calling for additional federal funds to enable the safe reopening of schools. NPE put the emphasis on the necessity to protect the health and safety of students and staff before reopening. Just for the record, I personally am super-cautious about when it is safe to reopen (I don’t know), but my son who has a second grade child in public school is eager for schools to reopen. These are important discussions. There is no clear answer because none of us knows what might happen in a few weeks or months. Take it as a given that we share the same goals: the safe reopening of schools and a return to in-person learning. The only points of difference–and they are important– is when to reopen and how to determine whether the schools are safe for students and adults alike.
Carol argues that it is time for schools in New York City, which has a very low positivity rate, to reopen.
She writes:
No one knows with certainty whether New York City public schools can successfully remain open this fall. Some believe a second wave of the virus will overwhelm us, and others believe, for the five boroughs at least, the worst is past.
What is not an unsettled question, however, is the harm to New York’s children if they continue to learn CONTINUE READING: Carol Burris: New York City Public Schools Should Re-Open | Diane Ravitch's blog