Saturday, August 8, 2020

A MAN WITH A PLAN Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's 
Education Matters

After one week, there is more than enough proof that schools will close, so why are we risking lives?
I am sure we all saw the pictures of the school in Georgia. You know I don't blame the kids. Kids will do what kids will do, nope, I blame the adults. The ones who are supposed to use facts and evidence to make decisions, the ones who are supposed to make sure kids are safe. They are the ones who failed and failed spectacularly. Sadly Georgia isn't the only place this has happened. There has been


Screaming into a pillow, Florida, Covid-19 edition
the revelation that Governor DeSantis said on one hand schools could close at the direction of their health departments and on the other told those health departments not to help, I spent more than a few minutes screaming into a pillow. His politicization of health is unacceptable and should be an impeachable offense, but it also should be a jailable one as well. From the Palm Beach Post, “It’s n

AUG 06

Ron DeSantis moves goal posts risk lives
When positivity rates were low, DeSantis said that was the measure we should look at, but now that they are high, he thinks we should ignore them. It is a sad state of affairs but he will move the goal line over and over again to get what he wants, which is teachers and students risking their lives for a few weeks of daycare. Sadly that's not even the worse thing he has done. This is a post from
Secrecy and subterfuge is the future of DCPS
I am both outraged and terrified at the districts plan to keep cases of COVID-19 secret in our schools, unless the schools are forced to close. Spoiler alert if people know there is a case, we may never get to the point where a school has to close. This planned secrecy is going to risk lives. I have heard stories of cases at two local high schools, cases that were kept secret from the majority fo

AUG 04

The District's unacceptable plan to keep us all in the dark
Last week the district announced it would not disclose cases until an outbreak causes a class or school to close. Well, friends, do you know how you get an outbreak that will cause a school or class to close? By keeping cases secret. The District willingly keeping people in the dark is dangerous, reckless, and unacceptable. So I heard about a case at a school, and I asked, mind you I didn't need
Don't waste a crisis, School Board set to approve 4 new charter schools during pandemic
Do you ever sometimes wonder who the school board works for and then came to the conclusion it isn't us? First, we are rushing to open schools during a pandemic basically because the mayor and governor want us too not because it is good policy and then today the board is set to approve 4 unnecessary charter schools because, reasons. Three are River City Science schools expanding into neighborhood

AUG 03

How deadly is COVID-19? We have just begun to scratch the surface.
I like horror movies and this is how they all begin. Kids can be killers, Infected children younger than age 5 may carry up to 100 times as much of the coronavirus in their noses and throats as adults — while older children carry at least as much as grown-ups, according to new research.
How horrifying is the Coronavirus? We have just begin to scratch the surface.
I like horror movies and this is how they all begin. Kids can be killers, Infected children younger than age 5 may carry up to 100 times as much of the coronavirus in their noses and throats as adults — while older children carry at least as much as grown-ups, according to new research.

AUG 02

The Gaslighting of America, the open schools edition
Parents, students, teachers, and community members, you are being gaslit. Schools will not be safe if they are opened, children's mental health will not be improved, and the survival of the economy does not depend on the opening of them either. Don't be manipulated into thinking any of those are true. Instead, demand the powers that be keep us safe and finally do their %$@ $%@& jobs. Every day it
Is DCPS planning to keep infections secret?
Superintendent Greene and the board are planning to send staff and students back to school when they know it is dangerous, have warned staff not to be too vocal in their dissent, said they will ignore guidelines meant to protect us when they prove inconvenient and now that they will keep infections secret unless they close schools. How the &%#$ is any of this right? From First Coast News, Duval C

AUG 01

Superintendent Greene, the pandemic won't last but you losing the confidence of your staff probably will
I want to try and be sympathetic to Superintendent, she has a tough job, and there has been a failure of leadership at the city, state, and federal level. That being said, she admitted during the NAACP/Friends zoom call that she thinks putting families and teachers in danger is the right choice. Friends, she knows we will be in danger and says that is okay, and that is not a choice I can get behi
Just what we need during a pandemic, a Jeb Bush siting
Jeb Bush pushes vouchers for unregulated private schools. These schools don't take any of the high stakes tests that public school is required to and in fact, have so little accountability you might as well say they have none. Jeb 

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters