Saturday, August 8, 2020

6 in 10 with Kids at Home are not Confident that Schools Can Safely Reopen | JD2718

6 in 10 with Kids at Home are not Confident that Schools Can Safely Reopen | JD2718

6 in 10 with Kids at Home are not Confident that Schools Can Safely Reopen

I get commercial pieces in my in-box. I usually don’t reprint them (maybe I never have?) but this one is from a fairly reliable source – Consumer Reports – and it is highly relevant. 
Pay close attention to the section on the “racial divide” – the New York Times would have you believe that getting Black and Brown children back into school is a civil rights issue – the Times, that great self-appointed voice for justice. Actually, Black and Hispanic families with children are most OPPOSED to sending kids in today.
Majority of Americans “Very Concerned” About Spread of Virus in Their Communities
YONKERS, NY — The dawn of the new school year finds Americans sharply divided on how K-12 schools should best reopen, according to a new nationally representative survey from Consumer Reports, the nonprofit consumer research, testing, and advocacy organization. A majority of Americans with school-aged children in their homes (62 percent) say they are “not too confident” (30 percent) or “not confident at all” (32 percent) that schools can prevent the spread of COVID-19 among students, teachers, and staff if they reopen for in-person classes.
The CR American Experiences Survey was fielded between July 9 and 20, following the surge in cases being reported across the nation. It included questions on the pandemic’s impact on consumers’ attitudes, behaviors, and finances. In broad terms, respondents are growing increasingly concerned CONTINUE READING: 6 in 10 with Kids at Home are not Confident that Schools Can Safely Reopen | JD2718