Thursday, July 2, 2020

NYC Educator: Yet Another Letter from the Chancellor

NYC Educator: Yet Another Letter from the Chancellor

Yet Another Letter from the Chancellor

Dear Colleagues, 
Last night, we celebrated the extraordinary class of 2020—and in case you don't find that impressive enough in itself, I'm going to name drop like there's no tomorrow. If you don't believe me, please visit to relive some of the best moments, including messages from Jennifer Lopez, Alex Rodriguez, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Kenan Thompson, Andy Cohen, and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. There are also our students themselves, whoever they are, and many more famous people I forgot. I promise it will make you forget about the draconian budget cuts this letter is really about. Hopefuly, you'll forget them altogether!  
Yesterday, we reached another important milestone as well. As you may have seen, Mayor de Blasio and the New York City Council released the City’s Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2021, which begins today and ends June 30, 2021. We call it "Adopted" because we want you to think we didn't make it up, that someone else started it somehow and we just picked it up because we are just so gosh darn good-hearted.
The Adopted Budget was created and negotiated in a climate of absolute desperation in which none of us knew what they hell to do. The gala luncheons! The fancy offices! The clean buildings we work in! The reliable heat and air conditioning! Fortunately we still have those things, no one in my office was touched by CONTINUE READING: NYC Educator: Yet Another Letter from the Chancellor