Wednesday, July 1, 2020

NYC Educator: Schools Don't Need No Stinking Air Flitration

NYC Educator: Schools Don't Need No Stinking Air Flitration

Schools Don't Need No Stinking Air Filtration

But malls do, according to Governor Cuomo. You see, shoppers need fine air. They can't go around breathing deadly toxins. After all, how is that going to positively influence the economy? No, the sick and the dead are simply not adequate consumers.

What do they buy? No, they are just a suck on the economy, lying around in hospital beds and using expensive ventilators. Next, they'll be asking Jared to use his private stock of American ventilators that aren't for state use. Perhaps Cuomo sees students and teachers the same way as sick and dead consumers--a drag on the economy.

HEPA filters aren't just things from expensive vacuum cleaners. They actually reduce the presence of Covid 19 in the air. So you just know that these consumers will be returning to JC Penney to buy yet another 39-dollar polyester Cricketeer suit when the next wedding comes around in 2022 or so.

New Jersey isn't requiring this because it's, well, New Jersey. But Cuomo is really concerned about NY malls, among other things. He's also worried about the way people fail to comply with social distancing and mask wearing. That's a valid concern. Every day I walk out and see people with no masks. I see them in outdoor bars and restaurants. I see employees who can't be bothered pulling the masks over their noses.

And hey, in a country where the President of the United States doesn't wear a mask, where people will fight Walmart greeters rather than comply, a country where some people think it's their basic constitutional right to spread their germs everywhere, it's a concern. There are an awful lot of people who won't comply.

Among them are almost certainly our students. Young people are remarkably social, and with terrible adult role models everywhere I go, I don't envision them respecting social distancing, let alone masks. Of course it won't likely be them getting sick. It will more likely be the adults with whom they come into contact. That would be their parents, CONTINUE READING: 
NYC Educator: Schools Don't Need No Stinking Air Flitration