Friday, July 3, 2020

NYC Educator: De Blasio Says He'll Open School Buildings. What Could Go Wrong?

NYC Educator: De Blasio Says He'll Open School Buildings. What Could Go Wrong?

De Blasio Says He'll Open School Buildings. What Could Go Wrong?

Mayor de Blasio has had an interesting couple of days. First, he determined it was too dangerous to open restaurants for indoor dining. Then, he decided to just open all the school buildings. After all, three of four people who took his open online survey, the one you could fill out anonymously as many times as you wished, said they want schools to open.

Mind you, I read the survey, and it didn't precisely ask under what conditions they'd be willong to open. It didn't cite an acceptable sickness or death rate for UFT members, school children, or our loved ones. Broadway, of course, is closed until January because people who pay hundreds of dollars for orchestra seats are so fragile that if anyone touched them, they would probably break.

It turns out, though, that schools will be only sort of open. You know, like when you were in junior high school and that girl liked you, but she didn't like like you? You could talk about that math teacher and how he gave to much homework, but you couldn't run off into the school yard together.

This means students will come in on alternate days, something I discussed here and here already. I've heard from the UFT chapter leader survey that says, if this actually manages to spring full blown from the mayor's opium pipe, that schools will have to alternate between seeing students physically and remotely. If I recall correctly, most schools will have three cohorts, but there are outliers that will see five.

I'm in one of those outliers, and I really wonder what the hell 80% of my students will be doing while I meet whoever among the rest shows up on their day. Will they remember CONTINUE READING: 
NYC Educator: De Blasio Says He'll Open School Buildings. What Could Go Wrong?