Wednesday, July 29, 2020

NewBlackMan (in Exile) TODAY

NewBlackMan (in Exile)

NewBlackMan (in Exile) TODAY

Lincoln Center At Home: Vanessa Williams
'Singer and actress Vanessa Williams leads Lincoln Center at Home 's tenth #MemorialForUsAll with renditions of "Colors of the Wind," "Save the Best For Last," and "Love Is" (with Darius De Haas ). Memorial For Us All is a secular community remembrance, welcoming all to celebrate the lives of those who have left us too soon during this pandemic. ' -- cunytv75
On the Clock: Kenny Leon, Tony Award-Winning Director of Stage & Screen
On this episode on On the Clock with Caroline Clark e, Tony Award-Winning director of stage and screen Kenny Leon discusses the sources of his inspiration. -- Black Enterprise
Animating While Black
'In June, a number of white actors said they would step down from voicing Black characters on popular animated shows. The producers of “The Simpsons” also announced they would no longer have white actors voice nonwhite characters. But these stories represent just one aspect of animation's complicated relationship with race. Los Angeles Times digital editor Tracy Brown discusses racism and represe
Wynton Marsalis on Arts in the After-Times
'In partnership with Gothamist and their Future NYC series, host John Schaefer consults with Wynton Marsalis as he considers arts possibilities in the after-times, touching on full participation and the ways to question institutional curation. Marsalis would like to see increased engagement with the arts - inviting folks to participate, creating the will to participate, and building community. Pr
How Can We Protect Essential Workers During the Pandemic?
'From hospitals to grocery stores, essential workers throughout the country have put their lives at risk serving the public since the pandemic began. While some employers have provided their essential workers with protective equipment like masks and hand sanitizer, as businesses around the country begin to reopen there’s one big question that looms large: who’s liable happens if someone gets sick
Candid Conversation with a Black Businessman: 7 Myths of Racial Equity
'As we are deep into this moment of civil unrest over systemic racism, Dr. Randal Pinkett , co-founder, chairman and CEO of BCT Partners, and co-author of Black Faces in White Places , offers his advice as a Black businessperson to other business people and in particular, white professionals. This is his advice to individual contributors, managers, executives and leaders on how to answer the ques
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Not Understood For Who She Really Is
'In this premiere episode of The Tight Rope , Dr. Cornel West and Professor Tricia Rose ask their esteemed guest Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) the right questions for her to share powerfully about her journey, politics, and thoughts on social justice in an electoral framework, the discipline of non-attachment, and intentional vulnerability. Together they “pull the curtain” on power
'I May Destroy You' Let Michaela Coel Explore Dangerous Areas In A Safe Place
'The new HBO series I May Destroy You is a stylish, sometimes funny drama about a very serious subject: rape and sexual assault. The series centers on Arabella, a young writer who is raped after her drink is spiked at a bar. Michaela Coel , the show's creator, writer, director and star, was assaulted in a similar way when she was writing and starring in her first TV series, Chewing Gum . Coel say
Why 10 U.S. Cities Are Testing Universal Basic Income Policies
'The mayors of Los Angeles; Oakland, California; Atlanta, Georgia; Tacoma, Washington, Newark, New Jersey; Saint Paul, Minnesota; Jackson, Mississippi; Compton, California; Shreveport, Louisiana and Stockton, California, have joined Mayors For A Guaranteed Income , a coalition 
NewBlackMan (in Exile)