Tuesday, July 14, 2020

New York State Tip-Toes Toward a Measured School Opening with Significant Local Input and a Long List of Unanswered Questions. | Ed In The Apple

New York State Tip-Toes Toward a Measured School Opening with Significant Local Input and a Long List of Unanswered Questions. | Ed In The Apple

New York State Tip-Toes Toward a Measured School Opening with Significant Local Input and a Long List of Unanswered Questions.

As the President and the Secretary of Education call for a full school reopening, with threats aimed at states that are more cautious, the fifty states and 14,000 school districts consider the options.
John Hopkins University posted a reopening policy tracker, a user-friendly source that enables the user to click on every state and organization and view whatever documents they posted.  Impressive!!
For example, see the Texas plan here and the New York University, Guidance on Culturally-Responsive Sustaining School Openings here.
New York State is complicated and confusing. The governor, who was granted wide-ranging emergency powers by the legislature appointed a “Reimaging Education Task Force” and, at daily press conferences emphasized again and again that he will decide on whether or not schools re-open. The chancellor reminded us that the State Constitution places education under the leadership of the Board of Regents.
The State Commissioner, after a number of regional meetings with representatives from across the states, presented the state plan to the Board of Regents. See plan here
A few hours later the governor held his press briefing and laid out the data points CONTINUE READING: New York State Tip-Toes Toward a Measured School Opening with Significant Local Input and a Long List of Unanswered Questions. | Ed In The Apple