Thursday, July 16, 2020

My School District’s 2020-21 Planning, Including Surveying Employees and Parents | deutsch29

My School District’s 2020-21 Planning, Including Surveying Employees and Parents | deutsch29

My School District’s 2020-21 Planning, Including Surveying Employees and Parents

In this post, I offer info on what my school district is doing in its efforts to plan for the 2020-21 school year, with the goals of informing individuals in my district as well as offering ideas to other schools and districts.
A critical point is that my school district did what I see parents and teachers from other districts and states asking for: input into the decision making process.
I teach in southern Louisiana for St. Tammany Parish Public Schools. The day my district emailed its survey to teachers and staff (July 06, 2020), it also informed us via robocall to help ensure participation.
My sister told me of the parent survey, which touches on issues of transportation, mask-wearing, and need for access to school meals, among other issues.
The district reminded employees of the survey opportunity in this July 08, 2020, email:
Dear STPPS Employees,
I know that many of you have questions about the 2020-2021 school year, and I appreciate your patience during this time as we continuously work together to develop plans for the upcoming school year.
We are receiving good feedback from employees and parents from the CONTINUE READING: My School District’s 2020-21 Planning, Including Surveying Employees and Parents | deutsch29