Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: Greene risk your life or talk to HR (draft)

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: Greene risk your life or talk to HR (draft)

Greene risk your life or talk to HR (draft)

That was my take away from the latest flowery letter she sent today. You know there was a time I liked and even appreciated her letters of inspiration but that stopped when she said, her risk you and your family's life or check into other options. I have included the letter so you can make your own judgment.

Every time she sends one of the emails I kind of feel responsible. She was hired in June and it was six weeks and she still hadn't reached out to the staff so I sent her chief of staff the letter below.

It was nice talking to you at the meet and greet the other day.

I saw this on Facebook, posted by a teacher

I don't know why the new superintendent is leaving me with flat emotions, but I'm not feeling it, not yet. She needs to address teachers and support staff and soon.

I know she had that great speech at UNF and much of the media covered it but I cant't help but think a hello note could go a long way especially for those teachers who may not have seen the coverage. 

I would also suggest in the note a pledge to meet with teachers to both listen to their ideas and their CONTINUE READING: Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: Greene risk your life or talk to HR (draft)