Sunday, July 26, 2020

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: DCPS says they will close schools based on medical advice, well medical advice has been screaming that they should not open! (draft)

Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: DCPS says they will close schools based on medical advice, well medical advice has been screaming that they should not open! (draft)

DCPS says they will close schools based on medical advice, well medical advice has been screaming that they should not open! (draft)

When you were a kid, and mom told you no, did you over go ask dad because you knew he would give you the answer you wanted? What about with a business, ever got been told an answer you didn't like ever to call back later to talk to someone else to get a different answer? I feel like that is DCPS they don't like the answers from one medical expert they go to the next, whatever they can do to follow through with Greene's reckless decision to open school to brick and learning.

DCPS says they will close schools if the medical experts say to close schools well the medical field has been screaming to close schools, and they just haven't been listening.

It is sad to say, but the CDC and the state and local health departments have been compromised. I wish health wasn't politicized, but in the age of Trump, it is where we find ourselves.  

Since that is the case we have to look elsewhere.

Here is what the American Association of pediatricians says,

From Click Orlando,

 Gov. Ron DeSantis on Saturday defended his plan to reopen schools for the upcoming academic year, even as the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics on Thursday sent a letter to his office, asking CONTINUE READING: Mr. G for District 3: Chris Guerrieri's Education Matters: DCPS says they will close schools based on medical advice, well medical advice has been screaming that they should not open! (draft)