Thursday, July 30, 2020

John H. Loflin: Indianapolis Public Schools For Sale | Diane Ravitch's blog

John H. Loflin: Indianapolis Public Schools For Sale | Diane Ravitch's blog

John H. Loflin: Indianapolis Public Schools For Sale

John Harris Loflin assembled the following description of the privatization and takeover of the Indianapolis Public Schools by out-of-state interests, aided by local “reformers.”
He writes:
Purchasing the 2012, 2014, and 2016 IPS school board elections
According to the truly transformative IPS Racial Equity Policy and Black Lives Matter Resolution (REP/BLM), racism is social and institutional power combined with racial prejudice. IPS defines racial prejudice as a system of advantage for those considered white, and of oppression for those who are not considered white
The IPS resolution mentions years 1922 (the year the IPS board created Attucks) and 1968/1970 of IPS history (the era when the board was sued by the feds for maintaining segregated schools long after Brown). IPS histories of the Citizens School Committee or 1950s-early 1960s events leading to 1970 lawsuit aren’t noted. And, it skips the 1990’s era and notably, major board changes of the 2010-2020 decade.
The 2010-2020 decade
REP/BLM also states “[IPS] has participated in maintaining a system of racial inequality in Indianapolis through its actions and inactions, policies and practices, budgets and priorities, advocacy and silence, and by too often privileging the prejudice of white parents over the well-being of Black students.”
A review and analysis of “Purchasing the IPS school board elections” shows that the majority of donors to the winning candidate were mainly white wealthy males. Some were very wealthy.
The white money and power represented by the CONTINUE READING: John H. Loflin: Indianapolis Public Schools For Sale | Diane Ravitch's blog