Saturday, July 18, 2020

High Schools Are Asking Parents To Sign Coronavirus Waivers | CafeMom

High Schools Are Asking Parents To Sign Coronavirus Waivers | CafeMom

Some Schools Are Asking Families To Sign Coronavirus Waivers in Case Students Die

As schools across the nation gear up for back to school, it's clear that the 2020-21 school year is will look a whole lot different amid the pandemic. Reopening plans already differ widely depending on the district and state, but several high schools across the nation are already welcoming back students for summer sports -- and reportedly implementing some eye-opening new protocol. According to The New York Daily Newssome high schools are asking parents to sign liability waivers should students attend voluntary extracurricular activities and contract the coronavirus.
  • In a nutshell, this means that parents couldn't sue if their child were to catch COVID-19 at school, become severely ill, and even die.

    The waivers have reportedly been sent home to parents at schools in California, Missouri, and Florida, among others. So far, all of them only apply to summer sports programs as opposed to the upcoming academic year, though it's not a stretch to wonder whether we'll be seeing more like them come fall.
  • News of the waivers has been popping up on social media this week, where (surprise, surprise) it's sparked quite the debate. 

    The Hazelwood School District, which serves St. Louis, Missouri, was forced to clarify news of its new waiver in a Facebook post on Wednesday.
    "There is no COVID-19 waiver for parents who select the education option that includes in-person school," the post stated. However, "Parents who want their child to participate in CONTINUE READING: High Schools Are Asking Parents To Sign Coronavirus Waivers | CafeMom